( This is about a Transportrevolution kick-off event arranged by Sitra. )
Sitra järjesti eilen Liikennerevoluutio-hankkeen käynnistystapahtuman, johon sain onnekkaasti kutsuttua itseni mukaan. Tässä pieni kooste siitä, mistä tuolla puhuttiin ja millainen "fiilis" hommasta jäi mieleen.
Hankkeen taustana on Sitran huoli siitä, miten "siiloutuneita" suomalaisen yhteiskunnan päättäjä- ja infrastruktuurin suunnittelutahot ovat. Tiet. Radat. Väylät. Käyttäjä eli matkustaja on kakkosluokassa ja ottaa vastaan, mitä poliitikot ja toimittajat onnistuvat tekemään. Ja koko homma maksaa.
Liikennerevoluutio pyrkii muuttamaan tämän. Se haluaa asioita katsottavan kokonaisuutena, tehtävän edullisemmin ja käyttäjän ehdoilla. Toimivaa, vähemmällä rahalla. Ja tietenkin myös niin, että samalla vähennetään ilmastokuormitusta.
Tuossa nuo pääkohdat lienevätkin (jos olet kiireinen poliitikko tai ministeri, voit lopettaa lukemisen tähän). Yhteistyö. Matkustaja. Edullisuus. Ilmasto. Siinä se.
Kabinettivallankumous tämä on siksi, että se lähtee aika lailla piirien itsensä sisältä, tosin Sitran näyttävästä ulkopuolisesta aloitteesta.
Homman alustamiseen on Sitra valinnut 25 viisasta miestä (ja naista), jotka huhtikuuhun mennessä työpajoissaan tarkentavat, miten tämä ajattelutavan muutos Suomen liikennepolitiikassa ja käytännössä saadaan aikaan. Kuulemma porukka on tosi osaavaa, mutta miten hyvin ala itse osaa muokata itsensä uudelleen? Saamme nähdä.
Radoista palveluun
Yksi tilaisuuden sanomasta oli fokuksen siirtäminen radoista palveluun. Vanha virsi.. mutta tosi. Ratojen ongelmana on se, että nykyisin tarpeet muuttuvat nopeasti. Itse en oikein koskaan ymmärtänyt Turku-Helsinki -moottoritien tarvetta (vai pitäisikö sanoa Salo-Helsinki). Ehkä se jää oman aikakautensa viimeisiksi lippulaivatuotteeksi. On vaikea nähdä, että vastaaviin hankkeisiin löytyisi jatkossa rahaa tai päättäjiltä halua. (no, tämä on omaa mietintääni, tilaisuudessa yksittäisiin hankkeisiin ei viisaasti viitattu)
Porukka Korjaamolla oli aika vaikutusvaltaista. Ministeriä ja toimitusjohtajaa. Tässä kooste kommenteista, jotka kirjasin ylös.
Ministeri Vehviläinen oli juuri saapunut Pietarista ja koetti vääntää vitsiä vallankumouksesta. Aika jäykältä puhekoneelta vaikutti.. Mainitsi, että uusia Allegro-junia on suunniteltu 16 vuotta. Mikäli projektien aikajänne on jatkossakin tällainen, ei vallankumous taida ennättää ajoissa (oma mietelmäni). Oikeasti, me tarvitsemme infrastruktuurin muokkaamiseen työkaluja, joilla hankkeet saadaan käyttöön ehkä 4 vuodessa. Kiina taitaa jo nykyisellään toimia noin. Muuta Vehviläisen kommenteista ei jäänyt mieleen.
Pursiainen: "Hyvä liikennepolitiikka on hyvää ilmastopolitiikkaa - ja päinvastoin."
Pokka: "...selviytymään tulevaisuudessa paremmilla ratkaisuilla ja vähemmillä varoilla."
Sitra: "...ei ole oikein olemassa hankintakäytäntöjä [olosuhteiden muuttamiseen ja palvelutason hankintaan]"
Kosonen: "kyseessä on systeeminen muutos, ainakin seuraavan parin hallituskauden mittainen"
Hienoa olla mukana vallankumouksessa, etenkin kun tarjoilu pelasi oikein hyvin. :)
Se, mitä jäi ikävä on "crowdsourcing" ja kansalaisaloitteiden mukaan ottaminen. 25 viisaan joukossa pitäisi olla enemmänkin kuin yksi alle 30-vuotias opiskelija.
Lisäksi järjestelmien sietokyky (resilience) sää- ja muille ääri-ilmiöille tulee olla nykyistä parempi. Etenkin kun/jos aletaan käyttää enemmän tietotekniikkaa kuin nyt.
Muuten - ei kun täyttä vauhtia eteen. Ei aikailla. Ilmasto lämpenee ja pian kiinalaiset tekee meidänkin infran, ellemme ala itse tehdä parempaa, nopeammin ja halvemmalla. Voitettiin me 1995 jääkiekon maailmanmestaruuskin - kaikki on edelleen mahdollista.
Tietoa hankkeesta muualla netissä:
- Sitran sivuilla
- ...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The difficulty of Web design
We've been crafting the www.bmdesign.fi website for around two months, now. Wow!
It's now in the third (and final) iteration and will be released in a week.
While I'm personally to be blamed for most of the delay, there's something deeper in the process to learn from. And something that applies to wider field than mere web design. Let's see...
To get the design "right" one has at least three areas to consider.
1. Layout
2. Contents
3. Visual look
Now, the challenge is these really do tie together. What if you don't know any of them at first? Where to begin?
Writing the "stuff" (contents) is a valid start, but it easily becomes a book, not a website. Starting with layout without much of a clue on the contents is equally a bad idea. The end result will be one of the many websites looking *exactly* alike. Side bar. Pulldown menus. Boooooring.
Visual look. We kind of did start with this. Still, it only gives colors and maybe fonts. It needs layout and contents to make sense.
So essentially we have a mutual dependency between all of these and therefore must develop them together, iteratively.
In the first (and second) iterations we were trying to make a simply layout. I didn't want menu levels. I wanted something where one does not get lost; a site that you know you've fully covered. That's cool with videos, btw. They have a start and an end. Unless you're into the "extras" you know that you've seen a movie. Not so with websites (usually).
We had a banner header. Everyone has, right. Iteration 3 doesn't. It looks more like the Chrome browser. But see for yourself.
What I intended to write on the blog is that the same dilemma is there also in city/transport/building design. City is the layout. Transport is the contents (what fills the streets). Buildings are the visual. It's difficult or impossible to plan only one of these, without hindsight to the other two.
It's now in the third (and final) iteration and will be released in a week.
While I'm personally to be blamed for most of the delay, there's something deeper in the process to learn from. And something that applies to wider field than mere web design. Let's see...
To get the design "right" one has at least three areas to consider.
1. Layout
2. Contents
3. Visual look
Now, the challenge is these really do tie together. What if you don't know any of them at first? Where to begin?
Writing the "stuff" (contents) is a valid start, but it easily becomes a book, not a website. Starting with layout without much of a clue on the contents is equally a bad idea. The end result will be one of the many websites looking *exactly* alike. Side bar. Pulldown menus. Boooooring.
Visual look. We kind of did start with this. Still, it only gives colors and maybe fonts. It needs layout and contents to make sense.
So essentially we have a mutual dependency between all of these and therefore must develop them together, iteratively.
In the first (and second) iterations we were trying to make a simply layout. I didn't want menu levels. I wanted something where one does not get lost; a site that you know you've fully covered. That's cool with videos, btw. They have a start and an end. Unless you're into the "extras" you know that you've seen a movie. Not so with websites (usually).
We had a banner header. Everyone has, right. Iteration 3 doesn't. It looks more like the Chrome browser. But see for yourself.
What I intended to write on the blog is that the same dilemma is there also in city/transport/building design. City is the layout. Transport is the contents (what fills the streets). Buildings are the visual. It's difficult or impossible to plan only one of these, without hindsight to the other two.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Light Peak in embedded systems
Light Peak is Intel's new optical interconnect system, using on-chip laser/receivers (up to 30x cheaper than existing laser technology, they say, and smaller). It's coming out at the end of the year (2010). It works.
Now, what is surprising is that there seems to be _absolutely_ no buzz about this in the embedded world. Why? Isn't this a perfect technology.
- optical so no ground loops and/or electromagnetic disturbance
- good latency (I believe, did not find figures)
- multiple protocols running simultaneously (and quality-of-service handling)
- up to 100m cabling distance without repeaters
We'll be using this for a PRT system's internal communications.
Here's a collection of the best links I found:
Now, what is surprising is that there seems to be _absolutely_ no buzz about this in the embedded world. Why? Isn't this a perfect technology.
- optical so no ground loops and/or electromagnetic disturbance
- good latency (I believe, did not find figures)
- multiple protocols running simultaneously (and quality-of-service handling)
- up to 100m cabling distance without repeaters
We'll be using this for a PRT system's internal communications.
Here's a collection of the best links I found:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
OS X 10.7 UI idea: stacks on the desktop
I've sent some suggestions to Apple earlier, and they actually replied with "please don't send us suggestions" email. They are afraid of getting sued later, I guess.
Anyways, people should be able to give feedback and ideas of UI design. Hey, Microsoft proudly says they did this in making Windows 7 so good (which it is). SO, here goes Apple.
The desktop is a perfect place to clutter your life. Position keeps different kinds of things apart - upper left corner for handy links etc. - left edge for to-be-done business things. Right edge for personals. Center for ASAP stuff.
Only, there's often more stuff than necessary when living this way. What is the way in OS X to hide such stuff, yet keep it "there". Stacks. :)
But stacks only exist in the Dock. So I'm supposed to place all my categories of stuff in different stacks in the same positional place. I'm losing something of the desktop arrangement, here.
So, make it possible to have stacks everywhere. Actually, make it possible to show a directory as a stack and that's it. This way, also command line usage would work fine.
Why not simply place folders on the desktop? It simply feels more elaborate. It opens new windows when the stuff is accessed. Don't like that.
If you know of an existing OS X tool that already provides "stack everywhere", pls. let me know.
Anyways, people should be able to give feedback and ideas of UI design. Hey, Microsoft proudly says they did this in making Windows 7 so good (which it is). SO, here goes Apple.
The desktop is a perfect place to clutter your life. Position keeps different kinds of things apart - upper left corner for handy links etc. - left edge for to-be-done business things. Right edge for personals. Center for ASAP stuff.
Only, there's often more stuff than necessary when living this way. What is the way in OS X to hide such stuff, yet keep it "there". Stacks. :)
But stacks only exist in the Dock. So I'm supposed to place all my categories of stuff in different stacks in the same positional place. I'm losing something of the desktop arrangement, here.
So, make it possible to have stacks everywhere. Actually, make it possible to show a directory as a stack and that's it. This way, also command line usage would work fine.
Why not simply place folders on the desktop? It simply feels more elaborate. It opens new windows when the stuff is accessed. Don't like that.
If you know of an existing OS X tool that already provides "stack everywhere", pls. let me know.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Keeping a mouse alive...

It's a good old wired mouse that I originally bought to my first Mac. Somewhere like 2002. It's still working, but the roll of it started getting stuck a year back or so. It's irritating; the symptoms are that the roll rolls.... then not... then again. Like there was some place alongside it that's sticky. This of course is quite an annoyance for using it on websites or anywhere.
Now. What's interesting about this is that *nothing's wrong*. I've analyzed the glitch and I suspect all Intellimice of this age would be affected. Here's what.
The roll is too close to the right edge. If one moves it slightly left (it has a gap of around 0.5mm) all is fine. So - I opened the mouse and made the case opening bigger. About 20 times. What's funky about this is that in order to feel if the cure is enough one has to put back the screws and all. :) Before that, it was always okay. After tightening the screws, not so. :)
So, here's the advice if your mouse has the same glitch:
- case opens by detaching the lower glued pads only. Below them are two screws.
- try scraping some off the right side of the mouse wheel first. Doing this would have no visual effect on the mouse, if this is enough, be happy.
- scrape the mouse opening from "outside in" to keep visual effects minimized. I had to remove rather much until it finally worked. But I wasn't having this guide. ;P
- once the cover is back on (but not the pads) try to "free wheel" the wheel. It should give a high pitch and roll a few rounds. It should feel light.
- don't tighten the screws too much. You can even leave them loose. Tightening makes the problem worse.

p.s. If you know how to make the right extra button (mouse button 5) do "Exposé - show desktop" I'd be pleased. Running OS X 10.6, Microsoft Intellipoint 7.1.0. It just does not work (tried both assigning at Intellipoint and 'Handled by Mac OS'); used to about a year ago. Maybe an OS X update has killed that?
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Blogging from Transtec 2010 Delhi
The upcoming week I'll be in Delhi, exposing the BM Design PRT project at a speech.
I'll be blogging from the event, which is about sustainable transport in developing countries.
Cont'd: I wrote some remarks on the individual presentations but haven't typed them in, yet.
Some of the pictures I took are available in Flickr.
My own presentation slides are also online.
Now, need to pack & fly. :)
I'll be blogging from the event, which is about sustainable transport in developing countries.
Cont'd: I wrote some remarks on the individual presentations but haven't typed them in, yet.
Some of the pictures I took are available in Flickr.
My own presentation slides are also online.
Now, need to pack & fly. :)
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